Wine Cathedrals

Estic practicant el meu anglès, i lligant que he aprés a fer google maps. M'agradaria que m'ajudessiu a fer aquest mapa. Podeu suggerir cellers o directament els podeu afegir, cal possar foto i l'enllaç a l'estudi d'arquitectura que l'ha fet.

The Top Architectural Wonders of the Wine World - Wine Cathedrals

To the religious and the secular alike, wine holds a special place in the hearts of men. It is no surprise, then, that the wineries of the world have become like churches themselves– while adherents to the worship of wine travel the world over, visiting the great wineries in Napa, in France, in Spain. Continuing this metaphor, the modern wineries of today have been given the same architectural importance as the chapels of times past. To celebrate the most progressive, most beautiful modern wineries in the world today, here is Deconstruint el vi català's list of the Top Architectural Wonders of the Wine World.

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